Get a mail and registration address worthy of your business. You may use our address for registering your business with ACRA and ad a professional touch to it. Validate your business by using our address.
You won’t have to use your personal or HDB address - also you won’t look like a mailbox company provided by an incorporation service. Nothing against incorporation service as we work a lot with corporate secretarial firms to help our clients to set-up businesses, but our business is in mailboxes and mail receiving.
You can rest assure we will handle your personal/business mailroom professionally and timely. We will make sure you will get all business relevant mails - in person or remotely and contactless.
Even if you use a corporate secretarial service you may opt to use our address service which might be more cost efficient too.
Register your business at our virtual office digital mail address.
Hint: A good address is good marketing too!
MyposteBot Info #3 Get a company registration address!
21.08.20 04:34 PM